Pregnancy care

From Mummy MOT to nipping niggles in the bud, we’ll support you through your pregnancy journey.

Pregnancy Chiropractic differs significantly from the typical chiropractic approach, and that’s because your body is also changing significantly while you go through the pregnancy journey.

The majority of women who visit us for pregnancy chiropractic do so for the Mummy MOT. You and your baby go through many physical changes over the course of 9 months (and beyond), and keeping your body in balance is a great way to make the journey smoother and more enjoyable for you both.

Our pregnancy trained Chiropractors are also certified in Webster technique © and have years of experience working with pregnant women. Our pregnancy chiropractic treatments are extremely gentle and designed to keep you physically balanced and relaxed.

Growing pains

If you you are struggling with aches and pains during your pregnancy, we can help with that too -here are some common types of discomfort which can vary depending on the stage of pregnancy:

  • Round Ligament Pain: This is one of the most common pains, especially in the second trimester. It’s caused by the ligaments supporting your uterus stretching as it expands. You might feel a sharp or dull pain on one or both sides of your lower abdomen, often when you move quickly, cough, or change position.

  • Back Pain: As your pregnancy progresses, your centre of gravity shifts, which can strain your lower back. The hormone relaxin also loosens ligaments, contributing to instability. This is common in the later stages of pregnancy.

  • Pelvic Pain: The pelvis can feel sore or achy as the body prepares for labour, and the ligaments around the pelvis stretch to accommodate the growing baby.

  • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD): This condition occurs when the ligaments around the pubic bone become too relaxed, causing pain in the pelvic region. It often gets worse with movement, such as walking or getting out of bed.

  • Leg Cramps: These can be common in the second and third trimesters, especially at night. They’re often caused by changes in circulation and pressure from the growing uterus.

  • Heartburn and Indigestion: As the baby grows, it can push against the stomach and cause acid reflux, leading to a burning sensation in the chest.

  • Sciatica: As the baby grows, it may press on the sciatic nerve, leading to pain that radiates down the back of the leg. It’s often a sharp or shooting pain.

  • Headaches: These are more common early on in pregnancy but may persist - but don’t worry, we are able to assess and treat the cause of your headaches with a gently approach.